087, Kurfürstenstraße

A composition of three structures: 1. The Gallery Space, with a variety of showrooms; 2. The Gallery House, an entrance to the gallery space articulated as an independent building in the courtyard; 3. The Apartments, with bright flexible interiors behind the curtain wall façade. The form of each building underlies it’s function, while their composition creates interesting transitions and surprising spatial relationships.

The Gallery Space completes the perimeter block towards Kurfürstenstraße. Access to the internal courtyard is located on the west side of the building with circulation and service areas are concentrated in a narrow strip on the east side of the building.

Gallery House

Gallery entrance on ground foor

The structure, located primarily along the core and façade supports the narrow building while freeing the floorspace for the installation of artworks in the gallery spaces and increase flexibility in the layout of the apartments.

Gallery space on first floor

Gallery space on first floor

Apartment entrance

The Apartments. The dual aspect open plan floor is generous with daylight and flexibility, despite it’s compact size. The space can be used as a studio or as one to two bedroom apartments. The 1.9 m grid of the façade provide the structure and rhythm for the internal layouts and set back terraces.

Apartment view from living room to kitchen

Apartment view from living to bedroom

  • Location: Berlin
  • Completion: 2016
  • For: Private
  • Size: 950 m²
  • Collaborators: Winston Hampel